14X24 $55 This photo features the $10 Multi-Board option that can be added on at checkout. It is not reflected in the above price. If not chosen, it will come as a standard framed project.

14x24 $55 This photo features the $10 Multi-Board option that can be added on at checkout. It is not reflected in the above price. If not chosen, it will come as a standard framed project.

Framed Furbaby Double Layer $75 After checkout send the photos of your fur babies. Don't forget to provide the names and whether you would like the names in a straight or curly font.

Personalized Framed Home Project-A photo of YOUR house on your wall! $65 Send us a photo of your home and depending on the shape, we will place it on one of 3 sizes: 14x24, 16x20 or 17x17. Can also be personalized with a house number if you so choose! *After checkout, please send us a high-quality, well-lit photo of your home and your home address if you would like it included.

14x24 Framed Double Silhouette- $75 After checkout send a clear side view photo of your family members on a plain and preferably white background. We also recommend a photo without a bow. Don't forget to provide the names and the year the photo was taken in the project detail box.

14x24 $55 Best for longer names. Please submit the following with this design: Name and Est Year

14x24 $55 Best for short names. Please submit the following with this design: Name and Est Year

Design your own custom 14x24 piece! $65 Don't forget to upload a photo of your inspiration AND/OR you can give us a description in the note box during registration. Please note which direction you would like the design.

14x24 $55 Please submit the following info at checkout: Grandparent Names and Grandchildren Names
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